Erdoğan urges immediate reform of UN Security Council

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has strongly endorsed U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’ recent remarks on reforming the Security Council, emphasizing the need for a more equitable global system that includes African representation.


In a statement addressing Guterres’ X post, Erdoğan said: “The structure of the U.N. Security Council, which is far from fulfilling its duty to ensure global peace and security, must be changed fundamentally.”

Erdoğan’s comments came after Guterres’ statement, saying: “The Security Council was designed by the victors of World War II. The world has changed. The world has changed, but the composition of the Council has not kept pace.”

“Expressing your views sincerely and loudly about the need for the United Nations Security Council to undergo reform in alignment with current conditions and in a fair manner is very valuable for the world to have a just system again,” Erdoğan said.

Pledging Türkiye’s continued support for establishing a fair international system, he said: “We will continue to stand by all friends who strive for a fair international system and a U.N. Security Council that meets today’s conditions.”

The Turkish president specifically addressed the lack of African representation in the council, saying: “The African continent and all our Africa