Two polls reflect loss of support for the AKP as the main opposition keeps rising

The figures in the latest election and political survey of SONAR, a research company close to the government owned by Hakan Bayrakçı, attracted attention.

In the survey, which was announced by Sinem Fıstıkoğlu on Halk TV’s “Uncensored” program, citizens were asked about the latest topic of discussion in politics, “early elections”. While 53.1 percent of the respondents said “yes, it should be done”, 40.7 percent said “no, it should not be done”.

The economy is the most important issue that respondents see as Turkey’s most pressing problems.

Respondents were also asked about their voting preferences. The rates of those who answered the question “Who would you vote for if there was an election today?” (without distributing the swing voters) are as follows:

When the undecided voters were distributed, the CHP was ahead of the AKP by 13 percent. The MHP was again in third place. The distribution of the parties was as follows:

BETIMAR: CHP 5., points ahead of AKP

According to the August survey conducted by BETİMAR Research, which is close to the ruling party and known for accurately predicting the results of the May 14-28, 2023 presidential elections, CHP is 5.4 points ahead of AKP.

Afer the undecided voters were distributed, the poll calculated the vote rates of the parties as follows:

* CHP: 34.7 percent

AKP: 29.4 percent

MHP: 9.9 percent

DEM Party: 8 percent

Yeniden Refah Partisi: 6.5 percent

Victory Party: 3.9 percent

İYİ Party: 3.2 percent

TİP: 1 percent

Other: 3.5 percent.