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Metropoll survey: Economic misery rises, voters detaching from AKP

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One of the leading social polling agencies, Metropoll has released part of its “Turkey in May” survey to the public through twitter, which makes fascinating but sad reading.  The agency finds that 54% of the society assert the welfare of themselves and their families has worsened. In its press release to Turkish press, the agency determined that substantial changes in voting pattern took place in the month.  AKP seems to be the loser.

These are the findings of the Survey:

%54 of the society say that the welfare of themselves and their families has worsened

11.1% of the society say that their and their families’ welfare have improved in the last year. The rate of those who say that there is no change in their livelihood is 34.6%. Those who think that their living conditions have worsened in the last year constitute a majority of 53.5%.

%58 of voters’ spending exceeds their income

Those who say that my income is more than my expenses constitute the 9.5% of the voters. In contrast, the majority of the people, %58, stated that their expenses are higher than their income. There is a 31.1% audience who says that the income-spending balance is equal.

%20 of Turkey can not pay the credit card debt because of the Coronavirus crisis

Half of the voters stated that they had difficulty in paying at least one type of debt due to the crisis. The rate of those who cannot pay their credit card debt is 20.4% and the rate of those who cannot pay their bank debt is 17.2%. 17.7% of the voters say that they cannot pay their bills and 17.2% of them cannot pay their rent. There is a 17.8% that cannot pay their debts to individuals.

%42 of Turkey does not approve the request for the transfer of the İş Bank shares to the state treasury

34.9% of the voters who approve government’s demand for transfer of the shares of İş Bank, which were transferred to the CHP by Atatürk as a will, to the state treasury. 42.4% of the population stated that they do not approve this request.

28.8% of undecideds are former AKP voters

In the politics section of the survey, major changes in voting patters have been observed. Of those who are currently undecided about their choice of the party hail from AKP.  The percentage is only 12.7% for its main opposition CHP. Center-right IYIP has the most loyal voter, with only 4.1% claiming they no longer support it.

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