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Turkey’s Economy: Tons of Potential but, in the Middle of a Recession?

[embed][/embed]   Turkey, officially known as the Republic of Turkey, is a country located between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea and one of the countries who separates Europe from Asian, being Turkey a transcontinental country.   The country is led by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, President and founder of the Justice and Development Party or AKP. With him, Turkey has become in the last decades one of the biggest emerging countries.   In the last years, the country has suffered some instability in their currency and the economy looks to be struggling a little, which make us ask ourself if Turkey is in the middle of a recession.   As always, on this video we are going to deep down a little into the currency situation of the economy, specially about the numbers behind this big economy, to see how and where this country could reach in the next years.   TIMESTAMPS: 00:00 Intro 01:10 Warning & Subscribe 01:42 GDP 03:14 Population 04:03 GDP per capita 04:40 Official Currency 05:31 Public Debt 06:15 Public Budget 07:00 Agriculture Sector 07:33 Industry Sector 08:03 Service Sector 08:44 Tourism 09:26 Inflation 09:54 Export and Imports 11:55 Turkey Bond 12:13 Turkey Taxes 12:36 Unemployment 12:54 Conclusion     By Economic Newbie   If you like this video     WATCH RealTurkey channel videos

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