Turkish band converts garbage into sound waves

Fungistanbul, a trio that began experimenting with a sound they call "Trash Oriental" in 2019, have joined a growing global movement of groups that bang, strum and blow into things they find in dustbins.
"We had no idea we would come up with this sound when we first started," band member Roni Aran admitted in the group's studio, tucked away in a grimy part of Istanbul filled with auto repair shops.
"We were all surprised with the result, and so was the audience."
Fungistanbul's emergence on the local music scene coincides with a steady rise in the environment's importance to Turkish voters -- especially the young, where it ranks next to the economy in importance in opinion polls.
The vast country was ravaged by wildfires, flash floods and other deadly disasters this year, heaping pressure on President Recep Tayyip Erdogan less than two years before the next scheduled election.
Aran and his two middle-aged friends, who are all professional musicians, say they are promoting "up-cycling" -- the process of adding value to old items that would otherwise have been thrown away.
"I found this near a garbage dump," Aran said, showing off a large plastic can with a grin. "Luckily, it was clean."
Playing an eclectic mix of melodic folk music, the three friends say it takes thought and effort to turn pieces of scrap into reliable instruments with consistent sounds.
They include a "can drum" made from a large plastic container on to which they attached a glasses case and a bell whose sound is sometimes enhanced using a small brush.
"No matter how primitive it may sound, there's technology behind all these instruments," Aran said.