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40 percent of Turkish women subjected to physical violence

Four out of 10 women have been subjected to physical violence by their husbands or intimate partners, according to a survey regarding domestic violence against women in Türkiye conducted by Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies and the General Directorate of Women’s Status. The research, the results of which were published on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, revealed that four out of every 10 women have been subjected to physical violence by their partners. About half of the women who are subjected to physical or sexual violence by their partners do not tell anyone about the violence they have experienced. The survey also revealed that one out of every 10 pregnant women living in Türkiye experiences physical violence. Some 12 percent of married women have been subject to sexual violence. One out of every three women is exposed to economic violence. While 32 percent of women exposed to economic violence live in cities, the rate of economic violence in rural areas is 23 percent. One out of every two women is exposed to emotional violence, which has recently been evaluated within the scope of violence against women. The research also indicates that three out of every 10 women have been subjected to persistent stalking at least once. According to data on violence against women worldwide, more than 640 million women aged 15 and over are exposed to violence by their partners. One out of every three women worldwide is subjected to physical or sexual violence, mostly by the partner with whom she is in an intimate relationship. This figure rises even higher when sexual harassments which are not perpetrated by partners are considered. Approximately three out of every five women who fell victim to femicide in 2017 were killed by their partners or families.

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