ING: Despite revisions to current account deficit is still widening

Despite large revisions to the balance of payments data, which significantly raised tourism revenues, the current account continued to widen rapidly in September, driven by a notable pick-up in the energy bill and gold imports, wrote ING analysts.
As announced earlier, the Central Bank of Turkey revised two items in the balance of payments data
While the data shows no sign of pressure easing in the external accounts, the key drivers in the monthly reading were the same as we have observed this year:
- tourism revenues under the services balance and
- ii) the compensation of employees under primary income. Accordingly, total revisions for the former item for the 2012-2002 period turned out to be $22.4bn while they were $4.4bn for the latter.

- the continuation of higher net energy imports, almost double in comparison to the same month of last year,
- a significant acceleration in net gold trade to $-2.6bn from a mere $-0.3bn a year ago and
- a contracting surplus in core trade (excluding gold and energy). Services income has remained strong, with a 28% year-on-year increase in September, limiting the deterioration in the current account to some extent.
- regarding non-debt creating flows of foreign investors, gross FDI ($0.8bn) more than matched the sell-off in the equity market ($0.5bn)
- for debt-creating flows, we observed $3.7bn of outflows driven by the Treasury’s Eurobond repayments and maturing Eurobonds of banks. However, trade credits at $0.6bn and the rise in deposits of foreign investors in the banking system (including the CBT) by $3.1bn offset the outflows in debt-creating items. Net borrowing, on the other hand, turned out to be barely positive as corporates' long-term borrowings exceeded banking sector debt repayments. Accordingly, we saw a strong long-term debt rollover rate for corporates at 134% (195% on a 12M rolling basis), while the same ratio for banks stood at 93% (91% on a 12M rolling basis).