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Macro Snapshot: Consumer Confidence Index


CCI increased by 1.9% to 72.5 in March (February: 71.2, -2.8% MoM). Despite there was no consensus available for the data, BloombergHT CCI Index, which is a leading indicator for the data, decreased by 2.1% to 44.4 in March.

The CCI is evaluated within the range of 0-200. It indicates an optimistic outlook when the index is above 100, but it indicates a pessimistic outlook when it is below 100. Turkey’s next CCI data will be on April 21.

CCI increased by 1.9% to 72.5 in March (February: 71.2, -2.8% MoM). Despite there was no consensus available for the data, BloombergHT CCI Index, which is a leading indicator for the data, decreased by 2.1% to 44.4 in March.. In monthly basis, all main sub-indices recorded increases, except financial situation of household. Expectations for wages change and assessment of spending on semi- durables were over the critical value of 100 which indicates the positive expectations. 3 of 18 sub-indices recorded monthly decreases. Highest monthly decreases were seen on financial situation expectation of household, probability of spending on home renovations and expectations for consumer prices changes whereas the highest monthly positive changes were seen on expectations for wages changes, number of unemployed expectation and assessment on spending on durables. According to 3-month average figures, donwward trend on financial situation of household halted as probability of borrowing money for the consumption expenditures and financial situation expectation of household increases. 3-month average figures indicate that deterioration on saving time condition and assessment on consumer prices changes halted. Despite 3-month average figures indicate a downward trend on expectations for wages changes, last monthly data jumped to 109.5 from 104.8 and continued to stay at the optimistic area for the 10-month in a row. On the other hand, improvement signs continued on inflation expectations in 3-month average figures, despite last monthly data deteriorated. Assessment on spending semi-durables continued to remain at the optimistic area for 18 months consecutively. Additionally, assessment on spending both semi-durables and durable recovered in March. Investment-saving related indices continued to stay significantly below of critical value of 100. According to 3-month average figures, the sharpest deterioration was seen on probability of buying/building a home.     Y. F. Securities Research  

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