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President: Turkey is taking steps to achieve economic targets

Turkey is taking steps to achieve its economic targets while the world is shaken by problems, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said on April 3. While the world is writhing with the shock of the unemployment threat that comes with the economic shocks, Turkey is taking firm steps forward with its employment, production and exports, Erdoğan said, speaking at an iftar program with the families of martyrs. “Of course, we have questions, but the future is full of answers. Of course, we have our difficulties, but remember, our hope is greater,” he said. While struggling with the cost of living, the government gives the main priority to each of its citizens to have a job, he noted. Turkey will have entered a completely different era after 2023, Erdoğan stated. “We believe that the best way to pay our debt of gratitude to our martyrs and veterans is to help our country reach its 2023 goals and to leave a legacy of 2053 vision to our youth. You, as the families and relatives of martyrs, must believe in something very much,” he stated. Ankara wants the war between Ukraine and Russia to end the war, which Turkey also feels negative repercussions, to end as soon as possible because it upsets the balance of global trade.

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