Tim Ash: Moscow is playing PR game over grain exports

It’s painful watching the Turks trying to negotiate with Russia to create some kind of grain export corridor out of Ukrainian ports.
Moscow has little interest in allowing any such corridor unless:
- a) By forcing Ukraine to de-mine its ports, like Odessa, this gives Moscow the opportunity to launch new amphibious landings to take more of Ukraine’s coastline and complete its mission to make Ukraine landlocked.
- b) It gets Western sanction moderation on its exports as the price of any deal - indeed, Turkish FM, Cavusoglu, seemed to suggest in talks today that that was a reasonable demand.
- c) This could well just be a big PR game from Moscow. It knows a) and b) are just not going to happen but by pretending to negotiate with Turkey and to be seen as reasonable it can pin the blame on Ukraine for no deal and then the global food price crisis.