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Turkish Foreign Ministry summons Iraqi diplomats over Baghdad’s anti-terror opstatements

Turkey Iraq
The Turkish Foreign Ministry has summoned the chargé d’affaires of the Iraqi Embassy in Ankara following Bahgdad’s strong protests against Turkey’s anti-terror operation in northern Iraq. “Our discomfort with the statements by Iraqi authorities regarding Operation Claw-Lock the Turkish Armed Forces launched against terrorist targets in the north of Iraq on April 18, 2022, and the unfounded allegations leveled within this framework as well as our expectations from Iraq have been conveyed to the charge d’affaires of the Iraqi Embassy in Ankara, who was summoned to our ministry today [April 21], and a diplomatic note on our views on this issue has been delivered,” read a statement issued by Foreign Ministry spokesman Tanju Bilgic late April 21. The Turkish Armed Forces launched a large scale cross border operation dubbeb Operation Claw-Lock in northern Iraq, where the PKK has its hideouts and other facilities. It was focused on the Zap region from where the PKK terrorists infiltrate into Turkey for terrorist attacks.

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