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Turkish Government takes steps to counter ‘harmful’ TV shows for the good of family values

A presidential circular published on the Official Gazette has said necessary steps will be taken to “counter” the “harmful” effects of TV shows that are against the core values of the society. The circular added that it has been seen observed that some local adaptations of foreign TV shows includes such elements. As part of those measures, precautions will be taken to protect the youth and children from the messages which are sent out through certain symbols, it said. Family-friendly and children-friendly productions will be encouraged, according to the circular. Penalties foreseen in the respective laws, regulations and the constitution against all overt and covert activities that aim at weakening national and moral values through media outlets will be properly applied, it added. All related institutions and government bodies will swiftly take actions to counter the threats from the productions on local and national programs, the circular said. Protecting the family, children and the youth from harmful media contents and fighting against the violations of those groups’ rights have become a serious matter which is tried to be addressed with international regulations, the directive said, referring to the constitution’s articles on the protection of the family and children’s rights.

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