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Ukraine Crisis Could Cost Turkey $30 Billion

[embed][/embed]   Ukraine Crisis Could Cost Turkey $30 Billion  
  • Turkey’s leading economist, Mr. Mahfi Eğilmez estimated the cost of the “Ukraine Crisis” at $30 bn.
  • I had independently calculated $35 bn.
  • $30 bn is roughly 4% of annual national income.
  • Such a loss would kick Turkey into a deep recession, as well as precipitate a Balance of Payments crisis.
  • Why are we paying through our nose for a war which transpires across the Black Sea?
    The break-down of the cost (Items cost at different values by economists I consulted)   Higher import bill: Energy, Commodities   Lower exports and tourism revenues   Weaker currency—FX protected deposit insurance scheme   Indirect costs: Lower foreign debt roll-over ratio, the impact of inflation on consumer spending   For more;   Subscribe our to channel   Follow & read the latest Independent news from Turkey in English ►   For sponsorship, ad, and other business inquiries ►  

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