Video Commentary: Civil Unrest Mushrooms Across Turkey

Civil Unrest Mushrooms Across Turkey | Real Turkey
“Shopkeepers, city councils, and a religious community group spoke out over surging energy bills in Turkey on Tuesday, while doctors held a one-day strike over working conditions as a wave of inflation-fueled discontent spread across the country.
Inflation leaped to near 50% in January, raising the cost of living for Turks already struggling to make ends meet after a currency crash in December sparked by President Tayyip Erdogan's unorthodox low-interest rates policy”, reported Reuters two weeks ago.
Since small-scale demonstrations spread to more cities. They are unlikely to fade away because Erdogan’s policies are making life unbearable for ever-larger segments of the population.
I explain Turkey’s previous social blow-out, namely the Gezi Park protests, and how the current wave is distinctly different. Then, I try to find answers to two questions: Can disparate and small demonstrations gel into a national movement? What are the implications of rising unrest for the Turkish economy and politics?
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