Video Commentary: Turkey’s Intractable Refugee Problem

Turkey’s intractable refugee problem:
- Turkey had at most 1 mn – 1.5 mn immigrants and ex-pats ten years ago in a population of ca 75 mn.
- Today, she harbors ca 8-10 mn refugees, immigrants and illegal migrant workers parading as tourists in a population of 84 mn.
- Such a heavy inflow of “foreigners” to any country causes economic dislocations and social frictions.
- This video explains Turkey’s particular case with reference to the largest refugee community, namely Syrians.
- Scarcity of jobs, soaring inflation and pent-up anger on the way to elections could lead to very ugly incidents between citizens and Syrians in the winter.
- Claims of Erdogan recruiting Syrians with promises of citizenship in return for AKP votes is very troubling.
- Turkey can’t educate, employ or legally send back Syrians. She now has a permanent “underclass” with attendant problems of violence, narcotics dealing, sex trafficking and permanent social strife.
- Is there ANY feasible solution to Turkey’s refugee problem?