COMMENTARIES: Central Bank issues 2024 monetary and currency policy guidelines

Central Bank of Turkey announced its 2024 monetary and currency policy guidlienes on 29th of December. Some of the highlights from 13 page report, linked here in English, are as follows:
All available instruments will continue to be used in line with the 5% inflation objective. Financial stability will also be safeguarded as a supporting factor for price stability.
Under the inflation targeting regime, the inflation target of 5% set jointly with the Government, has been maintained. The uncertainty band, which is an element of the CBRT’s accountability, has also been maintained at 2 percentage points in both directions around the inflation target, the same as the previous years. The monetary policy will be formulated to bring inflation to this target in the medium-term.
The one-week repo auction rate will remain the CBRT’s main policy instrument.
The level of monetary tightness required for sustained price stability will be maintained as long as needed to attain the inflation path projected in the Inflation Reports and to achieve the 5% inflation target in the medium term.
Monetary tightness and monetary transmission may be supported with quantitative tightening decisions by closely monitoring liquidity developments.
The CBRT will continue to implement quantitative tightening by extending the sterilization tools at its disposal.
In addition to and in support of its other communication channels, the CBRT will continue to use its social media accounts as effective communication channels. The CBRT's policy decisions and their rationales, practices, publications, and corporate news are also announced through these accounts. In this context, the CBRT will share various content summarizing the CBRT announcements, reports, and monetary policy instruments via the social media.
Moreover, through its social media posts, the CBRT will provide various target audiences with access to
information on a range of topics such as economic analyses and concepts, and events organized by the CBRT.