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Kilicdaroglu’s rallying cry:  We will not abandon our homeland to refugees, Shariah, Russia

In a  very strongly worded new video to  rally supporters to the ballot, CHP leader and opposition candidate for presidnecy Kilicdaroglu promised to send back refugees: “We will not leave our homeland to this mentality that has brought 10 million refugees into us”. There are 11 days left for the presidential elections to be held on May 28. Kilicdaroglu  addressed oppositon voters demoralized by worse-than-expected first round results and the loss of the parliament to AKP-MHP alliance. Stating that his alliance, the Nation,  will send 10 million refugees back, Kilicdaroglu added, “We did not find our homeland on the streets. We will not leave our homeland to this mentality that has brought 10 million refugees into us today. Our  border is our honor, we said so. We will not leave our homeland to those who are incapable of protecting our honor, who hope to gain by  imported votes of refugees, who stand idly by as this flood of irregular people, which will threaten our survival, swells up from 10 million to 30 million tomorrow." Criticizing pro-shariah and Kurdish secessionist HUDA PAR's entry into the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) in AKP ranks Kilicdaroglu continued, "We will not abandon our homeland to those who look at women as objects and say that they need to be adopted by men,  those who murder women with in hogties, those who covet to molest our  children." [embed][/embed]   “We will not leave our homeland” Kilicdaroglu continued as follows: “We will not leave our homeland to a fake world leader, who was the co-chairman of the Grand Middle East Project until yesterday, and is now under the complete control of Russia (referring to Erdogan). We will not leave our homeland to a mentality that gave the order to stop the soldiers on the morning of the earthquake out of fear, while tens of thousands of citizens lost their lives in the earthquake”.  He also criticized Erdogan on the performance of Turkish Red Crescent: “It selling blood and selling tents while people were waiting for help under the rubble.” Stating that they will not leave their homeland, Kilicdaroglu said, "We will not leave our homeland to this mentality that labels the citizens of the Republic of Turkey as Kurds if it suits them, as PKK members if it suits them, or as FETO (the Gulenist terror  organization) members if it suits them."   “Let those who love their homeland come to the ballot box” "We will not leave our homeland to those who cooperated with America and FETO and plotted against the national army, to those who put our patriotic officers in prison in Ergenekon, to those who opened the cosmic room, yes, the cosmic room, which is the most private sanctuary of the army, to the cowards, causing the martyrdom of dozens of patriotic intelligence officers. Let those who love their country come to the ballot box. I’m appealing to the true patriots of this country, those who pay the price:  The enemy wants to distract you with all kinds of lies, misperceptions, and  with the guiles of those who appear to be members of the opposition."     Kilicdaroglu called out to the youth, “And you young people, stand up, stand up. Throw away the dead soil over you. Let those who love their country come to the ballot box. We will fight until the end. We will definitely win. We will definitely win," he said.   Source:  Kılıçdaroğlu, mültecileri göndereceğini vadetti: “10 milyon mülteciyi içimize sokan bu zihniyete vatanımızı bırakmayacağız”   Follow our  English language YouTube videos  @ REAL TURKEY: And content at Twitter: @AtillaEng Facebook:  Real Turkey Channel:  

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