TL will gain value throughout 2024

It takes courage to make this claim in an environment where all Turkish YouTubers claim that TL is overvalued and constantly talk about the foreign exchange crisis. But that's why Real Turkey Channel is unique.
First of all, TL is definitely not overvalued. The depreciation of TL neither supports exports nor reduces the possibility of a currency crisis.
Erdogan does not give up on his economic stabilization program. We explained the reasons.
Cevdet Yılmaz, Mehmet Şimşek and Gaye Erkan will remain in their positions until 2024.
Monetary policy will tighten more than anyone expected. In 2024, the CBRT interest rate will exceed 50%.
The most likely scenario is that the hot money flows, which started a few weeks ago, will accelerate after the local elections. Foreign direct capital can also be added to this.
Money from KKM (quasi-FX deposits) will continue to be flow to TL deposits.
Well, we also answered what level the dollar/TL will be at the end of 2024.
TL may gain more value than we estimate. We explained the cornerstones of this scenario.
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