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27 percent of Turkey lives in rentals: Turkstat


The share of the Turkish population in rented houses was 27.2 percent in 2022, rising from 26.8 percent in the previous year, data from the Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK) have shown.

The share of the population living in their own dwelling declined from 57.5 percent in 2021 to 56.7 percent last year, according to TİUK’s poverty and living conditions survey. The share of those who did not pay rent despite not living in their own dwellings was 15.1 percent, slightly higher than the 14.6 percent recorded in 2021. Some 33.6 percent of the surveyed said they had a heating problem due to isolation and other problems in their dwellings, such as leaking roofs, damp walls, floors and foundations, as well as problems with window frames. Nearly 22 percent said they experienced pollution and other environmental problems due to traffic and industry. More than 59 percent of participants said they had payment installments or debts, other than mortgage and housing-related costs, down 4.3 points from 2021. “Around 59.6 percent of the households reported that they cannot afford to pay for one week holiday away from home, 41.5 percent of them cannot afford a meal with meat, chicken or fish once in two days,” TÜİK said.

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