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Turkey to condemn EU Parliament’s ‘support of PKK’


Ankara has “strongly condemned” an anti-Türkiye event held by the leaders and supporters of the PKK/PYD/YPG terrorist organization in the European Parliament building.

“It is unacceptable to allow such an activity that serves the propaganda of a terrorist organization that is on the list of terrorist organizations of the European Union and targets our country’s integrity,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement on March 8. This situation “once again reveals the hypocrisy and insincerity” of the European Parliament in the fight against terrorism, the ministry said. “Allowing this activity, which is aimed to gain legitimacy by mentioning the name of our country, also contradicts the international obligations of the EU.” Türkiye will resolutely continue its fight against all terrorist organizations without discrimination, the statement added. “Our expectation from EU institutions and member states is to stand by us in our fight against terrorism, which poses a threat to international security,” the ministry said.

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