Video Commentary: The Dark Secret in TURKEY’s MTEP

The Dark Secret in TURKEY’s MTEP
(Medium Term Economic Program)
[embed][/embed]- The annually revised 3-year Medium Term Economic Program is a critical document providing forward guidance to economic actors regarding the government’s intended legislation and economic policy.
- As usual, the economic projections are unduly rosy. Turkey can’t grow 4% + per annum, while reducing inflation and current account deficits.
- The Dark Secret in MTEP is hidden NOT in the document, but IN THE WEAY it is presented.
- This Dark Secret can make all the difference in guiding the reaction to MTYEP.
- Mehmet Simsek plans to use MTEP to attract financial investments to Turkey. Can he do it?
- Is Turkey safe from another currency crisis this winter?
- Useful source: Analysis: Medium Term Program – Government aims to bring down inflation without sacrificing growth