BRSA loosens lending: Additional restrictions lifted

The Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (BRSA) removed the additional risk weights applied to personal loans and housing loans in the capital adequacy calculation of banks.
In the statement made by the BRSA, the following statements were used:
"As it is known, within the scope of the coordinated macroprudential measures taken to ensure confidence and stability in financial markets and the effective functioning of the credit system, more prudent risk weights were applied to personal loans and housing loans in the capital adequacy calculations of banks compared to international minimum standards.
As a result of the assessments made, in the calculations of capital adequacy standard ratios in accordance with the Regulation on Measurement and Assessment of Capital Adequacy of Banks (Regulation) with the Board Decision dated 19/9/2024 and numbered 10964;
- Personal loans,
- Personal credit cards,
- Vehicle loans for the acquisition of passenger cars and vehicle collateralized loans and financial leasing transactions to be made,
- The consumer itself,
The Board Decision dated 31/7/2023 and numbered 10630 and the Board Decision dated 24/8/2023 and numbered 10655, which determined more prudent risk weights for loans collateralized by mortgages on residential real estate provided to these persons for the purpose of home acquisition in case they have at least one residence owned by their spouse or children under the age of 18, were repealed and it was decided to apply the risk weights determined in the Regulation to these loans."