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Erdoğan: Independent judiciary is cruciall for economic growth


President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has emphasized the importance of an independent judiciary as a cornerstone of economic progress.

  “A well-established, objective, independently functioning judiciary... This system is the guarantee of economic development and progress,” Erdoğan said at an event on the training of assistant judges and prosecutors in the capital Ankara on Sept. 16. "One of the conditions for living together as a society is to create, implement and observe the law of this unity," he stated. He also discussed ongoing judicial reforms, pointing to improvements in infrastructure. “There were courthouses crammed on one floor of government mansions, now this is history. We provided opportunities for service with an increasing budget share," he said. “We have strengthened our nation's access to justice by establishing new courts. Along with all these, we have fought hard to establish a justice where the right is strong, not the strong is right.” Erdoğan stressed the importance of judicial efficiency and digital transformation, calling it a critical investment. “Carrying the banner of right and justice without lowering it to the ground requires struggle and renewal. This is what we are after," he said. “The subject and capital of justice is people. No matter how meaningful other investments are, we consider the improvement in the quality of justice services as our greatest service." Reflecting on Türkiye's past, Erdoğan criticized the judiciary’s previous role as a "tool for political suppression." “We are still paying the bill for the damage they caused,” he said. “No matter how much we have cleansed our state of tutelage apparatuses and FETÖ remnants, we will continue the fight without losing vigilance.” The president also expressed concern over the influence of social media on judicial proceedings. “Social media platforms, where there are no rules, no values, no moral boundaries, have gradually become a major operational apparatus. Unfortunately, the victims of the new media order are the basic principles of justice," Erdoğan said. "The mutually ranged virtual media bullies find someone to target every other day." He also addressed criticisms of some judicial decisions that have "fueled perceptions of impunity" among people. “We are endeavoring to do our part as the executive and the legislature to minimize the rate of these,” he said. “Our nation, with its deep wisdom, sees who stands where and knows very well who is trying to do what.”

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