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Minister condemns US and EU for providing haven to FETÖ affiliates


Justice Minister Yılmaz Tunç has expressed criticism toward the United States and European Union countries, accusing them of harboring individuals linked to FETÖ.

  "We regretfully have to mention the countries that claim to be a democratic state of law but act hypocritically," Tunç said at an event in the capital Ankara on July 16. His comments followed the anniversary of the 2016 coup attempt by FETÖ and its U.S.-based leader Fethullah Gülen, which saw a series of commemorative events the day before. Tunç said Türkiye's extradition requests for individuals who fled abroad remain active. "Our allies... did not stand by us in Türkiye's struggle for human rights and democracy, especially the U.S.," he stated "The FETÖ ringleader was already stationed there years before the coup, a headquarters was established for him there and he managed the organization from there. He carried out these things under the control of the U.S." The minister also criticized delays in the handling of Türkiye's extradition requests by U.S. authorities. Tunç's reproach extended to EU countries, singling out Germany for continuing to host FETÖ leaders and associates. "When these crimes against humanity happen to you, fighting against them will require international cooperation," Tunç conveyed to representatives of these countries. However, he acknowledged that some countries have cooperated with Türkiye in its efforts against FETO. "They deported [suspects] and handed them over to us. They were sensitive to our requests for letters rogatory and legal assistance. We thank them," Tunç said.   

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