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Latest poll: If there are 3 candidates, the election will go to the 2nd round; Imamoglu leads Erdoğan

Nefes writer Aytunç Erkin shared the results of the presidential election survey conducted by the Social Impact Research Center (TEAM). According to the results, in the 3-way election between Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Ekrem İmamoğlu and Mansur Yavaş, Erdoğan comes first, İmamoğlu comes second and the election goes to the second round. In the second round, İmamoğlu completes the race by far ahead. Aytunç Erkin, "Imamoğlu: 57.2 percent Erdoğan: 42.8 percent", he noted the following: "...I also have two surveys in front of me. First the question of a three-way race and then a two-way race The first is a study conducted by the Social Impact Research Center (TEAM) on 6,000 subjects across Turkey. This study is on CHP leader Özgür Özel's desk and was conducted just before the 'primary election' debate. [embed][/embed]   In TEAM's 'presidential' survey, the first study was based on a three-way race. After the undecideds are distributed, the Cumhur Alliance candidate Tayyip Erdoğan gets 37 percent, CHP candidate Ekrem İmamoğlu 35.9 percent, Independent candidate Mansur Yavaş 19.7 percent, and the other 7.4 percent.

So what happens in a two-way race?

As a result of the first round in which Erdoğan and İmamoğlu received the two highest votes, the election goes to the second round. After the swing voters are distributed, Ekrem İmamoğlu receives 57.2 percent of the votes and Tayyip Erdoğan receives 42.8 percent. The survey conducted by TEAM strengthens the CHP administration's thesis that 'Ekrem İmamoğlu should be the presidential candidate'. However, on the Mansur Yavaş side, Yavaş is ahead in different polls."   [embed][/embed]

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