Attacker in bulletproof vest stabs 5 in mosque, streams act live

A knife attack has terrorized citizens in Eskisehir, Turkey, where a young man with his face covered and wearing a bulletproof vest stabbed at least five people yesterday.


It is learned that one of the injured is in a serious condition in the hospital. The incident took place in the garden of a mosque in Eskisehir (Dorylaion) in northwestern Turkey.

The aggressor was about 18 years old, armed with a large knife, filmed and broadcast the act live through the social network “X” before being caught and arrested by the police.

Some Turkish media reports that the number of injured has reached seven, while one person has died as a result of the attack.

“The attacker was dressed like a video game character, had an ax hanging from his waist, a bulletproof vest, a helmet and a mask ,” Eskişehir Durum reported.

Self-filmed footage shows the young man wearing glasses over a mask with skull-like features on the lower part of his face. Turkish media also reported that he was wearing a “black sun”, a Nazi symbol.

The attacker did not claim responsibility for the act, writes Cumhuriyet newspaper, adding that he may have been “under the psychological influence of war video games”. The reasons for the attack are still unknown.