Household Inflation Expectations June results once again showed the stickiness of inflation

The results of the Turkish Household Inflation Expectations Survey for June (TEBA), conducted by Koç University in collaboration with KONDA Research and Consulting, have been published.

Accordingly, the annual inflation expectation as of June 2024 was 113 percent. Households’ inflation expectation in May was 113 percent.

The year-end inflation expectation of households increased by 1 point compared to May and was determined as 93 percent.

The inflation expectation for the 12-month period until June 2025, the results of which were announced for the first time this month, was 97 percent.

Prof. Dr. Selva Demiralp, Lecturer at Koç University Department of Economics, made the following statements in her X (Twitter) assessment of the survey results:

* Turkey Household Inflation Expectations Survey results for June show that annual and year-end inflation expectations remained unchanged compared to the previous month.

* 12-month-ahead inflation expectations, the results of which we started to share for the first time this month, point to a significant stickiness.