Poll analysis: CHP/Imamoglu leads rivals in presidential race, his party is not doing so well

DİEN Research, a new polling outlet,  shared the results of the election survey it conducted throughout Türkiye in September. In the survey, which was completed by face-to-face interviews with 12,688 people in 30 metropolitan cities between 24-29 September 2024; age, education, gender and occupation quotas were applied. When asked which candidate the participants would vote for if there was an election this Sunday, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu comes first.

When asked what characteristics they would like the presidential candidate to represent, the majority of those who participated in the survey answered that s/he should be inclusive of all segments of society.

When it comes to the question of which candidate is more “Ataturkist”, the difference between Ekrem İmamoğlu and Mansur Yavaş (CHP Ankara mayor) and the other candidates is quite high.

When asked which candidate is more “democrat”, the difference between Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality President Ekrem İmamoğlu and the other candidates is quite high.

When only asked which candidate was more “conservative”, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan came out ahead in the research.

57.8% of the participants would prefer İmamoğlu if the election were held today.  He is followed by CHP’s Ankara mayor Mansur Yavaş with 48.5%. President Erdoğan took third place with 40.2%.


İmamoğlu is clearly ahead in the presidential race, but morale is low in the CHP. The main opposition party, which was ahead of the ruling party AKP in almost all surveys conducted after the March 31 local elections, fell behind by a narrow margin in the first published September survey by ORC.   ORC Research company announced the results of its latest election survey. According to the survey, the vote difference between AKP and CHP was 0.6 points.


Legend: Answers to the question of “whom would you vote for if the presidential elections were hedl today”

In the survey, participants were asked, “Which party would you vote for if there was an election this Sunday?” The question was asked.

The results of the survey are as follows:

AKP: 30.9 percent

CHP: 30.3 percent

AKP won 35.61 percent in the May 14 general elections; CHP received 25.33 percent of the votes in the May 14 general elections.


Other results of the survey were as follows:

MHP: 11.4 percent (nationalist)

DEM Party: 8.5 percent (pro-Kurdish equality)

New Welfare  Party: 4.9 percent (Islamist)

İYİ Party: 3.9 percent (Center-right)

Victory Party: 3.6 percent (Anti-immigrant)

Great Unity Party: 2.3 percent (Islamist-nationalist)

Turkish Workers’ Party: 1.4 percent


The ORC survey reflects CHP Chairman Özgür Özel’s efforts to establish a dialogue with Erdoğan and Bahçeli, which is very contrary to his voters attitude, rather than the successful performance of the AKP. Opposition voters want a tough opposition, as in the period of former  party president Kilicdaroglu. Ozel’s denial of the allegation that Turkish businessmen bribed New York Mayor Eric Roberts also drew reaction from his voters.

Despite the very poor performance of the AKP in economic management, the competition reflected in the press between two CHP mayors, Özel and former mayor Kılıçdaroğlu’s, creates the perception in the voters that “the opposition cannot govern the country”, according to another survey.



Various press sources, PA Turkey staff


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Published By: Atilla Yeşilada

GlobalSource Partners’ Turkey Country Analyst Atilla Yesilada is the country’s leading political analyst and commentator. He is known throughout the finance and political science world for his thorough and outspoken coverage of Turkey’s political and financial developments. In addition to his extensive writing schedule, he is often called upon to provide his political expertise on major radio and television channels. Based in Istanbul, Atilla is co-founder of the information platform Istanbul Analytics and is one of GlobalSource’s local partners in Turkey. In addition to his consulting work and speaking engagements throughout the US, Europe and the Middle East, he writes regular columns for Turkey’s leading financial websites VATAN and www.paraanaliz.com and has contributed to the financial daily Referans and the liberal daily Radikal.