P.A. Turkey

Report presented to Erdoğan cited problems in justice and the economy

The report, prepared by SETA and presented to President Erdoğan and the AKP leadership, cited problems in justice and the economy.

Demands for change, criticism and reports are frequently on the agenda in the AKP, which emerged as the second party in the local elections. Gazete Pencere columnist Nuray Babacan reported one of these reports.

According to the report, SETA, which works as the AKP’s think tank and is used as a stepping stone for bureaucratic appointments and all assignments, has completed its months-long research. The report was recently presented to President Erdoğan and a group of party leaders. Babacan provided the following information about the report in his article:

“According to the report, which emphasizes that the sense of justice has been damaged not only in terms of courts and the judiciary, but in all areas, the sense of justice has disappeared in the bureaucracy, in public activities and in recruitment.

Grouping in the party

The reason for the fragmentation in the party was shown as everyone gossiping about other groups, preparing files and working to discredit and render the other party dysfunctional. This had a significant impact on motivation in the party.

Economic crisis

Inflation, the cost of living, the situation of pensioners and low-income earners, inequality in income distribution. It was stated that this resulted in segments of society distancing themselves from the party and the results were seen in the local elections.

Erdoğan is responsible

The most important finding was that the feeling of holding the party and the party leadership solely responsible for the negative conditions disappeared and Erdoğan was now held responsible for the results.

(…) By the way, it should be noted that the inadequacy and mediocrity of the organization of the party’s founding anniversary was not only our observation, but also criticized by party members. The visuals, the chosen presenter and the presentation were found to be weak. “It was like an average wedding organization…” Let’s quote the evaluations…