P.A. Turkey

Turkey to ratify Paris Climate Pact

President Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday that the Paris climate agreement would be presented to the Turkish parliament for approval next month, which would make it the last G20 country to ratify the deal.

Speaking at the United Nations General Assembly, Erdogan said Turkey had not ratified the deal due to injustices regarding responsibilities.

“Following the distance covered in this framework, I want to announce the decision we have taken to the world from here,” he said.

“We plan to present the Paris climate agreement to our parliament’s approval next month in line with constructive steps that will be taken,” Erdogan said.

He added that Turkey aims to complete the approval process before the UN climate conference in November.

Some of the worst wildfires in Turkey’s history killed eight people and devastated tens of thousands of hectares of forest in the southwest this summer. The fires were followed closely by floods that killed at least 77 people in the north.



Source: finance.yahoo.com