P.A. Turkey

Widespread Discontent: Over 80 percent criticize Türkiye’s economic management across party lines

In a recent “Türkiye’s Pulse July Survey” conducted by Metropoll Research, 81.3% of the Turkish public has expressed dissatisfaction with the management of the economy.


The survey reveals that a significant majority views the current economic strategies as inadequate, while only 16.3% of respondents believe the economy is being effectively managed. The remaining 2.4% of participants had no opinion on the matter.

Examining the survey results based on the party voted for in the May 14, 2023 parliamentary elections, it is noted that voters of the People’s Alliance’s two partners, the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) and Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), also perceive the economy as poorly managed. On the other hand, 95.1% of the main opposition party Republican People’s Party (CHP) voters perceive the economy negatively.

The survey results reveal a broad consensus on economic mismanagement across different political affiliations. Specifically:



